Too Many Photos, Oh My!

So…. my time in Europe, which was my reason for making this blog… finished nearly a year ago (wow!).  Aside from posting pictures here and on my facebook, I still haven’t got any prints or anything done.   I had planned on making a coffee table photobook of all of my pictures for Christmas presents last year, but an unfortunate tragedy struck and I just couldn’t get it done.   So now, one year later, I am staring at my thousands of pictures feeling incredibly overwhelmed and trying to figure out where to start!  I’m really hoping to have it done for Christmas this year!  If for nothing else, I will have my own place soon and it would be nice to have on my own coffee table 😉

Additionally, I have discovered a way to get photos printed on canvas.  I was at a friend’s house a few weeks ago and she had a great print from Europe hanging over her sofa.  When I asked her about it, she told me it was a picture she had taken and told me where she got it done.  Immediately my wheels started turning.  I would love to get one of my pictures from Ireland printed for Grandpa.  I’ve also been thinking about some of my favorite photos that I’d like to get on canvas for myself, or for gifts for people. 

So basically… I have a lot of work cut out for me.  And in that regard I’ve also been thinking about getting a new camera.   My current camera is a regular point and shoot digital camera (10MP/3X Zoom).   I am surprised by the great photos I’ve been able to take with this camera, but it’s not meeting my needs in two areas:  (1) distant shots; and (2) low light shots.   Whenever I try to take photos under these conditions, I get really frustrated.   I don’t know enough about photography (or spend enough time photographing things) to justify the expense of one of those fancy SLR cameras, but I want something somewhere in between.   Anyone reading this have any suggestions?  Keep in mind that what I’m looking for is something that can take great photos under conditions 1 & 2 🙂

For now I’m going to get back to the photobooking, but I still have a few updates from my recent travels I’d like to post… particularly about a restuarant called D Bar in Denver… to come at a later date 🙂